Sports are about competition, camaraderie, and excellence but sometimes, players lose the thread and the result can be physical altercation. While one cannot condone physical altercations in sport, it can make for some interesting entertainment especially when provided by Jomboy. Below, we’ve listed the most popular brawl breakdowns.

The 10th Most Viewed Breakdown

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The video presents a detailed analysis of the brawl between Jason Varitek and A-Rod. The incident occurred after a pitch from Bronson Arroyo hit A-Rod, and Varitek confronted him resulting in a bench-clearing incident. The fight involved other players, including Tanyan Sturtze, Gabe Kapler, Trot Nixon, Derek Jeter, and others.

The 9th Most Viewed Breakdown

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Jomboy breaks down a video of a chaotic brawl that occurred during a Venezuelan baseball game. The fight erupted after a batter was hit by a pitch and retaliated by hitting the catcher with his bat. The catcher then threw his glove at the batter’s head, and the situation quickly escalated, resulting in a massive fight involving players from both teams.

The 8th Most Viewed Breakdown

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This video shows several brawls during a Mexican baseball game, with players fighting and throwing equipment across the field. Despite the chaos, bat boys become the unsung heroes of the game by picking up gloves and policing to avoid getting involved. The video highlights the hard work and dedication of these young boys, essential in keeping the game running smoothly amidst the mayhem.

The 7th Most Viewed Breakdown

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The video breaks down a game from 1986 between the Reds and the Mets that ended in a brawl, with Darryl Strawberry getting ejected, Pete Rose pinch hitting for himself, and a blown call leading to a fight between the teams. The video humorously suggests that managers should be allowed to pinch hit themselves in every game to show their skills, rather than just having one opportunity per season.

The 6th Most Viewed Breakdown

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The 5th Most Viewed Breakdown

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In a 2000 game between the Cubs and Dodgers, a Cubs fan named Josh Pulliam stole Dodgers catcher Chad Kreuter’s hat, prompting the Dodgers bullpen to jump into the stands in an attempt to retrieve it.

The 4th Most Viewed Breakdown

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This video breaks down a brawl that occurred during a crucial game between the Reds and Cardinals in 2010. The tensions began with controversial comments from Brandon Phillips and escalated when he had an altercation with Yadi Molina. The situation spiraled out of control when Johnny Cueto kicked and flailed at multiple players, including the Cardinals’ backup catcher. While the brawl eventually died down, tensions were still high, and some players were left unhappy with the experience.

The 3rd Most Viewed Breakdown

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The video discusses a brawl that happened prior to and after a Mississippi State and Tulsa Bowl game. The brawl started with a flex-off during the pregame, followed by a rough play during the game. After Mississippi State won the game, Tulsa players began yelling and screaming at them, which resulted in a physical altercation that stopped only after both teams were separated.

The 2nd Most Viewed Breakdown

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The video titled “Mets and Cardinals brawl, a breakdown” discusses the Mets’ frustration with being hit by pitches before breaking down the ensuing brawl between the Mets and Cardinals. After several Mets players were hit, including Alonso taking a ball to the head, Aronado steps up to the plate and expects to be hit in retaliation. The catcher is tossed aside, the benches empty, and a pile forms as the two teams clash. The players discuss their experiences during the brawl, including Alonso’s frustration with Cabrera restraining him and some believing that Cabrera was actually protecting his team from Alonso’s temper.

The Most Viewed Brawl Breakdown

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Jomboy breaks down a 1984 Braves and Padres game where brawls occurred multiple times in one game. The fight started due to tensions from previous games, with attempts to hit players repeatedly leading to ejections of three pitchers and three managers. Players fought all over the field. In this section, we see the continuation of the brawl as Greg Nettles charges the mound and gets tackled by various players, and fights break out both on and off the field. A total of 17 players and four managers were ejected, and fans also threw things into the dugout. Eventually, the umpire tells both benches they must stay in their clubhouse as there were only three more outs to play. The Braves ended up winning the game.