In this thrilling game between the Mariners and the Angels, tensions were high as the teams were tied at two. Both sides had experienced a rollercoaster season, with the Mariners becoming one of the top teams in the AL and the Angels struggling in the opposite direction. As the ninth inning began, the excitement reached its peak, leading to a series of unexpected events that left everyone stunned.

Cal Raleigh’s Ground Out

The ninth inning started with Cal Raleigh at the plate, facing off against Aaron Loop. The pitcher had the batter under control and induced a groundout to third for the first out of the inning. With two more chances to push the game into extras, the pressure was mounting for both teams.

Sam Haggerty’s Eventful At-Bat

Next up was Sam Haggerty, and this at-bat turned out to be quite eventful. Haggerty faced a tough slider that nearly hit his back foot but managed to swing. However, on the very next pitch, he hit a scorching shot down the third base line, resulting in a base hit. Despite the pain in his leg, he stood on first as the go-ahead run.

The Exciting Steal to Second

With Santana up at the plate and Haggerty on first, the excitement continued. Santana hit a pitch in the dirt, but the catcher’s throw to second wasn’t enough to get Haggerty out. The fans erupted with cheers as Haggerty successfully stole second base, showcasing his speed on the basepaths.

The Unfortunate Run-Down

As the situation intensified with first and third occupied by Mariners, the Angels faced a tough decision on how to play their infield. Julio was up to bat, and the Angels kept their infield all the way in, hoping to prevent the go-ahead run from scoring. The first pitch to Julio was inside, followed by another ball, giving him a 2-0 count. Julio hit a sharp grounder that the Angels infielder knocked down but couldn’t catch. Now, a run-down situation emerged with Haggerty caught between third and home.

Chaos Ensues

As the play unfolded, chaos ensued on the field. The pitcher, Loop, and the first baseman both missed their chances to back up home plate, leaving it unprotected. Haggerty managed to score as the catcher couldn’t secure the ball in time. The Mariners fans erupted in joy, while the Angels were left bewildered by the turn of events.

Missed Opportunities for the Angels

The misfortune continued for the Angels as they failed to get the out at home plate three times in a row, allowing the Mariners to extend their lead. Infield positioning was sound, but execution faltered, resulting in missed opportunities to stop the Mariners’ advance. The fans were thrilled, while the Angels struggled to comprehend the turn of events.


The ninth inning of the Mariners vs. Angels game was one for the books, filled with surprising twists and turns that left everyone breathless. A combination of good base running by the Mariners and execution lapses by the Angels led to a remarkable comeback and an astonishing lead change. As the dust settled, the Mariners emerged victorious with a final score of 6-2. This game will be remembered as one of the most unforgettable and bizarre ninth innings in baseball history.