In a crucial moment during the ALCS game, Nathan Eovaldi found himself in a high-pressure situation with the bases loaded and no outs. This breakdown delves into his masterful pitching in the bottom of the fifth inning, highlighting his exceptional control and strategy. Eovaldi’s performance in this game was nothing short of impressive, and it’s worth dissecting how he navigated this challenging situation pitch by pitch.

Setting the Stage

The tension was palpable as Michael Brantley stepped up to the plate. Eovaldi faced a 3-2 count, and Brantley managed to put the ball in play, securing a single. This was just the beginning of the nail-biting sequence, with runners on first and second.

The Hitman, Bregman

Next in the lineup was Alex Bregman, known for his hitting prowess. On a 1-1 pitch, he connected with a base hit right up the middle, loading the bases. The excitement was building in the stadium as the Astros fans hoped for a big inning.

Eovaldi’s Challenge

As the bases filled up, the pressure on Eovaldi intensified. He needed to escape this jam, and he did so with a combination of well-placed pitches and clever sequencing. Eovaldi constantly changed his pitch type and location to keep the batters off balance.

The Pitch Sequence

1. Cutter Slider and Fastball: Eovaldi initiated with an outside cutter slider and followed it with an inside fastball, keeping the batters guessing.

2. Split Finger Fastball: He then threw an outside split-finger fastball, a secondary pitch that added an extra layer of deception.

3. Curveball Magic: Eovaldi continued his crafty pitching with an outside curveball, securing a crucial strike. The beauty of this pitch was how it played off his earlier fastballs.

Altuve’s Challenge

Jose Altuve, known for his hitting prowess, faced Eovaldi next. This sequence was a favorite for many baseball enthusiasts.

1. Curveball Setup: Eovaldi started with a big curveball inside at 79 miles per hour, surprising Altuve and securing a called strike.

2. Fastball Outside: Following the curveball, Eovaldi went for a high and outside fastball, which Altuve fouled back. Now, Eovaldi was in control with an 0-2 count.

3. Sealing the Deal: Eovaldi continued his strategic approach by setting up the next pitch with a double-up on the fastball. This time, he went high and inside. Altuve couldn’t resist the temptation and swung, only to be fooled by Eovaldi’s splitter away, which sent him back to the dugout with a strikeout.

The Splitter’s Brilliance

Eovaldi’s splitter was the star of the show. The grip, the way it tumbled out of his hand, and its downward movement made it a devastating pitch that played off his fastball brilliantly. This changeup variation left both fans and batters in awe.

An Overlay to Remember

A fascinating overlay showcased Eovaldi’s consistency. His arm action, delivery, and release point remained consistent, creating a mesmerizing visual. The parallel trajectory of his pitches on that overlay was truly remarkable.

Escaping the Jam

With one out remaining and the bases loaded, Eovaldi faced Alex Bregman again. He executed an inside fastball followed by an outside fastball, and the third baseman confidently declared, \”I got this one.\” The result was a routine ground ball, and Eovaldi had successfully navigated the bases-loaded jam.


Nathan Eovaldi’s performance in this ALCS game showcased his prowess as a pitcher. His ability to adapt his pitch selection and location, along with his mastery of the splitter, made this inning a masterclass in pitching. His composure and strategic approach in high-pressure situations are qualities that every baseball enthusiast can appreciate.